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Frequently Asked Questions

**How do I apply for VIP Academy?**
The application for VIP Academy is accessible online on the VIP Academy website's Homepage.

**How are students considered for VIP Academy?**The following data points are reviewed: Assessment data (STAR Assessment and Georgia Milestones), attendance, remote performance during the Pandemic, past and current grades, parental involvement, number of credits earned for students in Grades 9-12, and whether students demonstrate some or all Hanover Research Characteristics of Successful Virtual Learners.

**What are Hanover Research Characteristics of Successful Virtual Learners?**

 1. Academically Proficient (Grades above a 70, Reading on Grade-level, and Proficient on State Assessments)

2. Technologically Prepared

3. Demonstrate Self-motivation

4. Possess Independent Study Habits

5. Have Good Time Management

**Can a student be withdrawn from VIP Academy by the school administration? Yes, if a student and family does not meet expectations outlined in the enrollment agreement, the student will need to return to a traditional instructional setting located within their school zone at the end of the semester.

**If I am accepted into VIP Academy, do I have to withdraw from my home school?**
Yes, current Bibb County students accepted into VIP Academy must withdraw from their home school. New district students should complete the online registration process for Bibb County and choose VIP Academy as a school option.

**What is the cost to attend VIP Academy?**
There is no cost to attend VIP Academy.

**What VIP Academy IS NOT?**

1. Hospital Homebound Program

2. Response to Behavioral Concerns

3. Temporary Learning Environment

4. Traditional School Setting

**How involved should parents and guardians be when students are in virtual school** Parents or guardians play a vital role in their child's education by actively serving as the student's learning coach on a daily basis. The home serves as the classroom, making use of virtual services for instructional purposes. Learning coaches are required to closely monitor their students, ensuring they meet all enrollment agreement expectations. It is important for students to have a dedicated learning space and necessary supplies for completing assignments. Additionally, parents or guardians are expected to hold daily meetings with their students to ensure they are keeping up with each course, staying in communication with their teachers, completing assignments, and attending all required sessions.


**What are the daily and weekly requirements for learning online?**
The virtual learning platform allows flexible daily scheduling with mandatory daily attendance check-in by 3:00 pm. Upon acceptance, students will receive a suggested daily schedule. Students in grades 6-12 will initially be placed in 6 courses. On-site mentors conduct virtual "big idea sessions" twice a month and weekly State Assessment (Georgia Milestones) prep sessions. Student performance data determines tiered-support, offered face-to-face or virtually in a REMOTE classroom environment.

**What grade levels are eligible for VIP Academy?**
VIP Academy serves students in grades 6-12. Any elementary stakeholders interested in virtual services must be approved by the 

**Is VIP Academy the same as homeschooling?**
No, while students complete work from home, tiered support allows for learning re-engagement  and enrichment on campus. Courses are facilitated by Bibb County School District and Imagine Learning virtual teachers.

**Are virtual courses harder or easier than face-to-face courses?**
Courses are aligned to GADOE standards, reflecting essential content. Successful students exhibit good time management, effective communication, independent study habits, self-motivation, and academic readiness.

**What textbooks, supplies, devices, and internet access are required?**
VIP Academy provides supply lists; reliable internet access is essential, and laptops are available based on need.

**What is the VIP Academy dress code?**
On-campus students adhere to a uniform dress code (black polo-style shirt, khaki pants, black or brown belt, and appropriate closed-toe shoes to correspond with academy attire; no Crocs or athletic slides) while virtual meeting attire should be appropriate for conversations with staff.

**What technology/tools are needed for students in virtual school?** Students MUST have a device (laptop or computer), dependable WIFI, and a printer is recommended.

**What are the attendance requirements for VIP Academy?**
Students must check in through the attendance link located on the VIP Academy website under the student tab by 3:00 p.m. each day for FTE purposes.

**What are the pacing requirements for VIP Academy?**
Students work at their own pace and under teacher guidance within the state curriculum's pacing timeline, with recommended daily schedules provided.

**What kind of diploma do VIP Academy graduates receive?**
Students completing BCSD requirements of 23 Carnegie Units receive a High School Diploma from VIP Academy. VIP Academy is a school registered with the State of Georgia. The school code is 1311. ALL students enrolled in the academy are expected to matriculate and complete their high school experience with VIP Academy.

**What courses are available at VIP Academy?**
Refer to the website for a list of courses available in VIP Academy.

**What learning management systems are utilized in VIP Academy?**
VIP Academy utilizes Canvas (Georgia Virtual School) and Imagine Learning. Support platforms are IXL, Study Island, Khan Academy, and Progress Learning.

**How will students and parents communicate with teachers?**
Communication occurs through the social media, Remind app, Outlook email, ZOOM, text, and Microsoft Teams.

**Who are the teachers at VIP Academy? Are they on-site or virtual?**
VIP Academy is staffed with certified virtual teachers for tiered support and direct blended-instruction.

**How do I know if virtual learning is the right option for my child?**
Successful virtual learning requires good time management, effective communication, independent study habits, self-motivation, and academic readiness.

**How will I monitor my child's academic progress?**
Daily monitoring is possible through the Genius SIS System, Canvas, and Infinite Campus (Parent and Student Portal).

**What are the contact numbers for technical support?**
Hardware: Dr. Arndra Jackson 478-779-4851
Canvas: Dr. Monica Radcliff 478-779-2579
Imagine Learning and Genius: Dr. Julia Daniely 478-779-4872

**Can VIP Academy students try out for sports or participate in extracurricular activities in Bibb County schools?**
Yes, students are eligible for after school sports try-outs and extracurricular activities, including club participation at VIP Academy.

**Can my child enroll in CTAE courses or dual enrollment?**
Yes, CTAE pathways and dual enrollment courses are offered through W.S. Hutchings College and Career Academy. Imagine Learning offers CTAE pathways. Students must apply and be accepted to attend W.S. Hutchings and College and Career Academy.

**What standardized testing is required of VIP Academy students?**
Students must take all school-level (CABs) state-mandated (BEACON and Georgia Milestones) and district benchmark assessments (Star Assessment, Writescore, iReady Diagnostic, Unit Assessments).

**Can a VIP Academy student transfer back to a traditional campus during the school year?**
While it's recommended for virtual students to commit to a full school year, transfers can be considered at the end of a semester. However, this is not highly recommended due to the personalized support provided for virtual success.